Costs of a Program

  • The charges for a weekend are 110,00 per person (from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon) in a 4 – or 6 person room, including 3 vegetarian meals per day. Each day extra costs 55,00.
  • If you sleep in the meditation room on a mattress, the costs are €50 per person per day.
  • If you stay in your own tent or caravan on the premises, the costs are €50 per person per day.
  • If you come for initiation and you want to stay the whole weekend, then it is half the price, which means 55,00 for the entire weekend.

If you do not sleep at the Kriya Yoga Centre, you can still participate in meals and meditations. Then you have to calculate your contribution based on the number of meals and meditations you have joined.

N.B.: Please inform Peter of your arrival and your wish for meals.

The price for breakfast, lunch or dinner is EUR 5,00 per meal.

The price for meditation when you are not staying in the centre is EUR 7,00 per meditation.

Lectures are free of charge.

Kitchen Monno