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- Claudia Cremers
Yogacharya Claudia Cremers
Yogacharya Claudia Cremers (1962) has been practising Kriya Yoga since 1987. She was initiated by Rajarshi Peter van Breukelen and received subsequent initiations from Paramahamsa Hariharananda.
She followed her master Hariharanandaji for years and studied with him intensely, mostly in India and USA. Claudiama initially studied music and international law in Amsterdam and Paris. From 1987 until 2012 she worked in international governmental affairs in The Hague and abroad. Since 2012 she retired and lives in the Sterksel Kriya Yoga Centre, dedicating her time and efforts to the spreading and teaching of Kriya Yoga.
Claudiama started teaching Kriya Yoga in 2000 and was authorized to initiate in 2007. Apart from teaching in the Sterksel Ashram she guides Kriya programmes in many coutries in the world.