Swami Karunananda Giri

KarunanandaSwami Karunananda Giri lives in the Kriya Yoga Zentrum in Tattendorf  (near Vienna) and has been practising Kriya Yoga since 1993. She received initiation from Peter van Breukelen. Swami Karunananda Giri met Paramahamsa Hariharanandaji in 1995. This encounter caused a turnaround in her life and she started to dedicate herself to the deep practice of Kriya Yoga.

In 1996 and 1997 Uschi stayed regularly in the United States to receive his teachings. Swami Karunananda Giri worked as a medical analist for over 40 years.  

She teaches Kriya Yoga since May 2007 as Yogacharya (spiritual teacher) and became a monk in 2020.